Our music

Continuously looking for new tunes that touch us and that challenge us.

The recordings in mp3 you will find here are single takes. The single takes are done to capture our improvising style of playing in the most natural way.

 Train youtube
• Cissy Strut - The Meters Cissy Strut mp3
Cissy Strut youtube
• Steroids - Oz NoySteroids mp3
Steroids youtube
• Comba - Carlo Nardozza quintetComba mp3
Comba youtube
• Scolex - Sander de PutterScolex mp3
Scolex youtube
• Surprises - Ibrahim Maalouf
• 22Oz - Morglbl
• Kicking it for you - David Krakauer
• You’ll hear it - Jerome HolYou’ll hear it youtube
• Creole wild west - Evan ChristopherCreole wild west youtube
• We are not alone - John Scofield
• Bill - Bruut!
• Train - Chris Potter
• Scriblin' - Jan van DuijkerenScribling youtube
• Zahir - Carlo Nardozza quintet
• Frank's day out - Benjamin Herman
• Cats and Kittens - Peter Erskin
• Sly - Bruut!
• Twice in a while - Oz NoyTwice in a while youtube
• Bounce - Michiel Stekelenburg
• Zarafah - Joshua Redman
• Chocolate Souffle - Oz Noy
• Funky Gumbo - Leif de Leeuw band